National ECHO Sessions
National ECHO programs are free for all health care professionals to participate in.
Upcoming Sessions
Culturally Sensitive Palliative Care for the Chinese Community
March 5, 2025, from 3–4 p.m. ET
This session explores the principles of providing culturally sensitive palliative care tailored to the unique beliefs, values, and traditions of the Chinese community.
Interprofessional Rehabilitation – Engaging in a Palliative Approach
February 7, 2025, from 12–1 p.m. ET
This session explores how healthcare teams can collaboratively address the physical, emotional, and psychosocial needs of patients with life-limiting conditions.
Long-Term Care Quality Improvement Community of Practice (Ontario)
This community of practice supports Ontario long-term care professionals focused on advancing palliative care QI through collaboration, expert guidance, and shared resources.
McGill Palliative Care National Grand Rounds Programme
A series of 10 innovative lectures, hosted by Palliative Care McGill, that will support and advance the field of palliative care.
Spiritual Care Community of Practice – Series 2
This community of practice (CoP) is centered around the understanding and application of spiritual health and its diverse meanings within the context of palliative and bereavement care.

Pediatric Palliative Care Community of Practice (in French)
This community of practice will allow you to network and learn from experts across French-speaking Canada who share your interest in the integrated approach to pediatric palliative care.
Heart Disease Community of Practice – Series 3
Connect with colleagues from across Canada with a shared interest in integrating a palliative care approach for individuals with advanced heart failure.
Palliative Care Journal Watch
Keeps you informed on the latest peer-reviewed palliative care literature.
Community-Based Primary Palliative Care Community of Practice – Series 4
This community of practice (CoP) focuses on supporting primary care clinicians to integrate primary palliative care in their practices.
Past sessions
Communities of Practice
Journal Watch

Palliative Care Journal Watch
Explore the latest topics in palliative care literature via podcast, slides, or recordings.
Quality Improvement
Community Engagement
Global Sessions

World's Largest Palliative Care ECHO Session
Thousands of health care professionals came together to learned from internationally acclaimed experts, shared experiences and best practices, and contributed to raising awareness and advancing accessible palliative care globally.
Standalone Sessions
Complications en fin de vie de maladies neurologiques dégénératives (in French)
This session focuses on common, severe end-of-life complications of degenerative neurological diseases.
Communication in Palliative Care
This session focuses on the skills to have serious illness conversations and advance care planning discussions.
Pain Management in Palliative Care
This session focused on managing pain in palliative care through medication.
Grief and Bereavement
Dive into grief and bereavement strategies including strategies for children and young people.
Walking Alongside Indigenous Peoples who are Seriously Ill: Education for Community Caregivers
Learn more about improving the capacity of health and social care providers in Indigenous communities to provide education and support to families and community members who are caring for loved ones with life-limiting illnesses.
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Special Lecture – Healing Hearts and Communities
Highlight key public health developments in palliative care and link this to the theme of Healing Hearts and Communities.
Fin de vie de maladie pulmonaire chronique (in French)
As part of a collaboration with Palli-Science, this session focuses on end-of-life chronic lung disease. Participants will learn the key symptoms of advanced lung disease, how to best relieve these symptoms,
Peaufiner l’art de l’accompagnement des personnes en soins palliatifs et de leurs proche (in French)
As part of a collaboration with Palli-Science, this session focuses on various themes related to the art of accompanying people receiving palliative care. These include an exploration of the wishes of
Using Pain Pumps in the Home
The use of pain pumps has several advantages for pain control.
Fin de vie de maladies neurologiques dégénératives 2 (in French)
As part of a collaboration with Palli-Science, this session focuses on end-of-life Parkinson’s disease and dementia.
Opioid Use Disorder in Palliative Care
The prevalence of opioid use disorder remains high and represents a public health crisis.
La gestion des cas complexes au centres d’hébergement de soins de longue durée (CHSLD) (in French)
This interactive ECHO session focuses on the management of complex palliative care cases in the long-term care setting.
Essential Conversations – Creating a Better Illness Experience for Patients and Families in the Home
This session provides home care workers with insights, knowledge and practical tools.
Pour une approche palliative intégrée: Optimiser la communication entre les intervenants de première ligne et les équipes hospitalières (in French)
This session focuses on how to identify patients who may benefit from palliative care
Practical Cannabis for Patients with Palliative Needs
This session provides a practical overview of the potential benefits and harms of using cannabis.
Fin de vie de maladies neurologiques dégénératives (in French)
This session focuses on end of life of degenerative neurological diseases.
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Special Lecture
This lecture is honours international leaders in the field of hospice palliative care.
Information Session – The CAPACITI program
This session provides an introduction to CAPACITI, a free education program for interprofessional primary care teams.
Taking Vitals: The SCQ—The Evidence, Development, and Clinical Necessity of a Measure to Routinely Assess Patients Experiences of Compassion
This session discusses the importance of compassion in quality palliative care.
7 Keys to Delivering Palliative Care Upstream: What We Learned From 1,000 Patients and Families
7 keys to enable an early approach to palliative care.
The Platinum Rule: All that Glitters Isn’t Gold
Learn about the Platinum Rule—doing unto patients as they would want done unto themselves.