Past National ECHO Sessions
Find the recordings, Q&As, and PowerPoint presentations of our past sessions here.
Featured Past Sessions
Past Sessions
Opioid Use Disorder in Palliative Care
The prevalence of opioid use disorder remains high and represents a public health crisis.
Atlas CareMap Workshop with Compassionate Communities Kingston
An Atlas CareMap is a simple, visual diagram of the people involved in providing care to a caregiver and care recipient.
Fin de vie de maladies neurologiques dégénératives 2 (in French)
As part of a collaboration with Palli-Science, this session focuses on end-of-life Parkinson’s disease and dementia.
Atlas CareMap Workshop with The Dorothy Ley Hospice
An Atlas CareMap is a visual diagram highlighting the caregiver’s journey and those who care for the caregiver or care recipient.
Using Pain Pumps in the Home
The use of pain pumps has several advantages for pain control.
Peaufiner l’art de l’accompagnement des personnes en soins palliatifs et de leurs proche (in French)
As part of a collaboration with Palli-Science, this session focuses on various themes related to the art of accompanying people receiving palliative care. These include an exploration of the wishes
Fin de vie de maladie pulmonaire chronique (in French)
As part of a collaboration with Palli-Science, this session focuses on end-of-life chronic lung disease. Participants will learn the key symptoms of advanced lung disease, how to best relieve these
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Special Lecture – Healing Hearts and Communities
Highlight key public health developments in palliative care and link this to the theme of Healing Hearts and Communities.
Walking Alongside Indigenous Peoples who are Seriously Ill: Education for Community Caregivers
Learn more about improving the capacity of health and social care providers in Indigenous communities to provide education and support to families and community members who are caring for loved ones with life-limiting illnesses.
Community-Based Primary Palliative Care Community of Practice – Series 2
This community of practice (CoP) focuses on supporting primary care clinicians to integrate primary palliative care in their practices.
Personal Support Worker Community of Practice – Series 1
This community of practice was for personal support workers (PSWs) and care aides.
Heart Disease Community of Practice – Series 2
Connect with colleagues from across Canada with a shared interest in integrating a palliative care approach for individuals with advanced heart failure.
Long-Term Care Quality Improvement Community of Practice
Do you see room for improvement in how your long-term care home provides a palliative approach to care? Register now to join the Long-Term Care Quality Improvement Community of Practice
Paramedic Community of Practice – Series 1
Connect with community and frontline paramedics from across Canada who also have a shared interest in integrating a palliative care approach for patients and their families.
Severe and Persistent Mental Illness Community of Practice
A community of practice focused on providing a palliative care approach for individuals with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI).
Pain Management in Palliative Care
This session focused on managing pain in palliative care through medication.
Communication in Palliative Care
This session focuses on the skills to have serious illness conversations and advance care planning discussions.
Long-Term Care Quality Improvement Community of Practice
Do you see room for improvement in how your long-term care home provides a palliative approach to care? Join the Long-Term Care Quality Improvement Community of Practice
Complications en fin de vie de maladies neurologiques dégénératives (in French)
This session focuses on common, severe end-of-life complications of degenerative neurological diseases.
Creating Culturally Safe-r Palliative Care Education for Indigenous Communities
Learn more about increasing Indigenous communities’ capacity to provide palliative care by offering culturally safer palliative care training for health and social care providers
Supporting Caregivers and Their Evolving Worlds
National Caregiver Day 2023. Learn more about the resources and activities available for supporting caregivers.